Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bucket List

I was commenting on someones page and saw they had a bucket list. I liked the idea so here I go:

Skydiving ( of course he has that )
Live in the Ghetto
See a Shark
Make love on the roof of a skyscraper
Be in 4 states at once
Do Vegas right
Sleep on the streets of Detroit for one night
Skinny dipping in a hot tub at the top of a skyscraper

To be Continued...


  1. Making love on the roof of a skyscraper? I think I just found an addition to my bucket list! Especially if I can find the one that you have in that picture!

  2. Did you copy my bucket list... i think so!
    Oh and btw the way your blog looks is dope broh.

  3. That place in the picture looks soooo cool.
